


Pearson is one of UK leading provider of education and training qualifications. Pearson works in collaboration with industry, governments, universities and professional bodies around the world to ensure that its qualifications are recognised.

Highfield (HABC) are the UK and Middle East’s leading supplier of compliance qualifications to businesses and the public sector. As an awarding body HABC are regulated by Ofqual, HABC offer a broad range of qualifications from auditing skills right the way through to teaching and training. The qualifications HABC develop depend very much on the demand of the underlying organisations whose training they help support. Highfield (HABC) qualification is of the highest quality and relevant in today’s workplace.

Innovate Awarding is a national Awarding Organisation regulated by Ofqual and Qualifications Wales, with a passion for doing things differently. We work with employers, Training Providers and FE Colleges of all shapes and sizes to design, develop and award nationally recognised qualifications.

NCFE is a national Awarding Organisation regulated by Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual) in England, Welsh and the Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) in Northern Ireland, with a passion for doing things differently. They work with employers, Training Providers and FE Colleges of all shapes and sizes to design, develop and award nationally recognised qualifications.

CITB is a well know market leader in the Construction Industry Training Board and Site Safety Plus Scheme provides the building. its awards are recognized cross the construction industry in the UK and abroad.